中文学校的运行需要家长的支持和帮助。 The Chinese School needs supports from parents.
学校的教师和校委一直以来都是家长来担任的。从学校创立至今,陆续有很多学生家长担任教师或选择加入校委会来一同管理学校,保障学校的日常运作,为大家服务。 All teachers and Committee members came from students’ parents. Past years parents involved in the teaching and management of the school at all time.
由于工作变化,搬迁,孩子进入高校等原因,教师们和校委会成员迄今已经历了很多的更替。中文学校的健康发展,需要更多的学生家长参与到学校的教学和日常管理中来,献计献策,大家共同把学校办好,把学生教好! Although many teachers and Committee members left the school due to different reasons, the school is moving on as many new parents join the team to help. As we united together, the school will be better.
感谢所有的学生家长对中文学校一如既往的支持! We appreciate all the supports from parents!
中文教师 中文学校需要在保证现有班级的教师数量的同时,还需要有1~2名教师以备不时之需。同时,学校也会对教师提供相应的培训机会。